Sunday, March 11, 2012


“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.”
Bob Marley

 Life is tough! We can all agree with that. We go along the path of life and we go through many trials, troubles, and much tribulation. Sometimes things can get so tough, that we tend to give up and ask questions like"why me?'', or "why do they deserve better than me?''. The list can go on and on. Sooner or later we give up. Our mind and hearts yearn for strength to move on. But our soul continues on with the search for inspiration. My journey in life in short, begins with losing someone really close to me. My brother was diagnosed with cancer. Within a year and a half from his time of diagnosis, he had lost the battle and moved to the next life. Years after his passing, I was living as a victim to depression and didn't even know it. To make a long story short, sooner or later depression had gotten the best of me, and I gave up on life. I sat in my room one day with a pen in my hand, and a sketch book I had acquired a few years prior. I began writing my feelings in this book. After a few times writing in this book, my writings started to become poems. I started to figure that writing poems was very the therapeutic. So it soon became a habit of mine to write poetry. The book would go everywhere I would go. About 5 years later, I had the feeling that I needed to do something more with my writing. One day I came acrossed a relative who produces music. We got talking for quite a few minutes, and soon by the end of our conversation, I had an appointment to meet him in his home studio to put my writing to music. I was inspired years before to write due to depression, years later I'm in the studio doing something I never would have thought I would ever do. I'm a pretty shy guy. So this is a great accomplishment for me. Now I'm in the studio often recording and writing music. Music inspires me. I am inspired to continue to write as long as my mind is willing to push the words out. Stay tuned for music coming soon!!!

 Dazed in a trance
as I strive for a chance.
To advance to a place,
where one's mind can be enhanced.
Striving to succeed,
in this world as I bleed,
through the pores of greed,
my soul shall be freed!
Hit and stumbling,
as my heart is tumbling.
People mumbling,
Self esteem crumbling!
Crawling to light,
with all my might,
struggling to fight,
I see the daylight!
God's my foundation,
with much admiration,
Led back to a place,
of great contemplation!!


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